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After working on the storyboards I moved onto the design team. And under the brilliant direction of the lead designer I was given the opportunity to come up with some characters, as well as altering costumes on Nick, Norman and other characters.

Here is the little Owl from series 2 "Owl's First Flight" I tried different shapes of pupils to see which fitted the song best, showing the uncertainty of the little Owl, and his vulnerability when about to try and fly for the first time. We settled with no.7 which we liked best.

Nick Cope's Popcast character design

Here is Cyril and his Guinea Pig friends from "Guinea Pig", Series 3. Cyril was Nick's very loved pet and had a very unique character. Remie and Alva's guinea pigs also feature in the Live action and they are quite mischievous. It was great fun to exploring their characters and design them in different ways to see which fitted the best.

I also kitted out the existing sloth character so he was skateboarding safely in series 3.

And wrapped up Alva for the winter weather.

And here is Eva the beaver, from series 2 battling the floods, and building a dam, saving the day and making friends along the way. She was great fun to design.

And finally some examples of different outfits for Nick and the rest of the crew, as well as Ruby the Rockhopper penguin from Series 1 and the Octopus. I also designed the spaceship for Ralph in series 2.

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